Hey there Team!
How is everyone doing? As the sun is showing up earlier and earlier each morning, I come across more and more runners as I'm biking to and from my early CrossFit training sessions. It's great to see more people out there doing their best to get some more activity in to their days.
Also around this time of year people tend to set goals, like running a half-marathon or even a full one. Training for something specific can be a great motivation to get going, and also sticking to it.
Together with that though, I also see a lot of strains and injuries in my practice. Often a combination of too much too soon, while more or less excluding a proper warm-up and cool down.
Paying attention to the first minutes of your workout, and making sure that you start off with a good warm-up is an essential part to a long-lasting injury free body. I have written about this before, and I am bringing it up again, because I am still seeing the same issues again and again.
"Well, an injured body cannot do a workout at all, so be smart and plan for the long run!"
"I don't have time" and "I've gotta get my workout in" are reasons I hear all the time as to why people don't do a warm-up. Well, an injured body cannot do a workout at all, so be smart and plan for the long run.
A warm-up should always be a part of any workout you choose. This becomes even more important when you work out first thing in the morning, as the body is just getting started.
Check out this super easy warm-up routine, and see how you can build it into your workout. You can use it just as well for a cool down. This warm-up is a favorite of mine to do whenever I'm about to go running. I hope you will enjoy it too.
Be good to that performing body of yours, you've only got the one.
Have an amazing warmed-up weekend!
Osteopathy, sports massage and functional nutrition in Haarlem. Taking care of zombies to olympians since 2007.