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Stinky Breath?! It's Your Food Choices

Hey there Team! Last week we talked about how your health is connected to your stinky breath. Quick recap from last week: If we think about the mouth as a large entrance hallway, what other rooms lead to that same hallway? Well, OK we have the esophagus coming from the digestive system. Then we have […]

Your Stinky Breath is Connected to Your Health

Hey there Team! It's the weekend in Europe where we change the clock for daylight summer time. Are you as excited about warmer weather and more sun as I am?! To a completely different subject: Last week the topic of bad breath came up in a conversation at work. It seems that most of us […]

Today is the Day. Let's Go Team!

Hey there Team! How is everyone doing? I hope you all had a great week and are ready for the weekend. I recently came across this video that speaks louder than words. It's the kind of stuff that I really like. So, without adding anymore words, here it is! https://youtu.be/akjeulQqzYc Today is the day. Just […]

What about the LAST minutes of a workout?

Hey there Team! Last week we took a look at the first couple of minutes of your run or  workout, and what that could look like. Getting your body ready to perform, should always be a part of your workout. What about the last minutes of your workout though? Are they really that important? "I'm […]

What about the first minutes of your workout?

Hey there Team! How is everyone doing? As the sun is showing up earlier and earlier each morning, I come across more and more runners as I'm biking to and from my early CrossFit training sessions. It's great to see more people out there doing their best to get some more activity in to their […]

You're Not Over-Trained. You're Under-Recovered!

Hey there Team! How is everyone doing this week? As I am writing this the sun is shining and the weather is absolutely smashing! I do hope it stays like this for a couple of days. Just this week I completed a 10 day liver-detox-fast. Phew! Since I didn't have to food-prep or cook, which […]

Osteopathy, sports massage and functional nutrition in Haarlem. Taking care of zombies to olympians since 2007.

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